Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tacos Dorados

The last couple of days have been a bit crazy that's why I haven't posted anything. The night I made this was to say the very least emotional. Thank God things weren't as bad as they look and we still got back in time to share a meal. So if you made the shredded beef from the previous recipe, making tacos dorados won't take very long. This dish is very easy to make and is part of my comfort foods. Enjoy.


  • 1 cup Shredded Beef
  • 4 Boiled Potatoes
  • 16-20 Thin Corn Tortillas- I use Tortillas for Tacos and Tostadas
  • Oil 
  • 1/2 Lettuce Head Shredded
  • 2 Diced Roma Tomatoes
  • 1/4 lbs Fresh Cheese or Mozzarella
  • Salt to taste
  • Sour Cream or Crema
  • Salsa
  1. Boil potatoes until they are tender. Remove the skin and mash them. Salt to taste
  2. Add about 1 cup of shredded beef. Add more if the potatoes were big. Mix well.
  3. Add oil to pan, I would say you need about 1/4 of an inch of oil.
  4. Make a ball of about 2-3 tbsp of the potato and meat mixture. Add to the tortilla and flatten it on one side. Fold the tortilla in half.
  5. Once oil is hot, grab the taco from the edges and let the flatten part sit on the oil for about 20-30 seconds before you lay it on the side.
  6. Once one side is a nice golden brown color turn to the other side. make sure you keep an eye on it because if the oil is too hot it will burn rather quickly. And if the oil is still cold when you add them, they won't crisp and all you will have is a soggy mess.
  7. Repeat step 4 and 5 until you make all your tortillas. 
  8. Now time to put the rest of the ingredient in the taco. First add some shredded lettuce, then some tomato, and cheese on top. If you want to add the sour cream you can. what I do is set it on the the table and let everyone add as little or as much sour cream as they would like. 

You can also just make the tacos dorados and set them up on the table with all the different toppings on the table so everyone can build their own to their liking.  

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