Thursday, September 8, 2011


Yesterday we kicked off our Mexican food week with Flautas. Flautas are my husband's favorite food but he is better at rolling them than I do. We usually make them as a team, actually he usually makes them for me. I love making food for him and I really appreciate when he cooks for me. Yesterday I wanted to cook something special for him. So here is the recipe for flatutas which are extremely easy to make.


  • Shredded beef
  • 2 package of  Think Corn Tortillas
  • Oil
  • Sour Cream or Crema

  1. You first need to make the shredded beef. I buy tamale meat at the local market. If they don't label it like that you can get beef shoulder roast. You can get 2 lbs of meat then put it on a pot. Cover it with water and add 2 garlic cloves. When meat is half way cooked season with salt. Let it boil until the meat is tender enough to break it with a fork. 
  2. Once meat is ready take it out of the water and shredded it. You can set aside what you will need for this food and the rest you can set aside for the following meals. 
  3. Get the oil hot on a pot. You need about and inch of oil. Once oil is hot you will start rolling the flautas.
  4. The key of rolling the flautas is that the tortillas need to be warm and you can't over stuff them. You want a tight roll. Once you roll them grab them with thongs and dip them in the oil and keep holding them in the oil for about 30 seconds so the tortilla keeps rolled.
  5. You want the flauta to be a nice golden color. Take it out and put it on a bowl lined with paper towels and start standing them up so all the extra oil is drained. 
  6. You can enjoy them with sour cream, crema, guacamole, or salsa. On the picture above I laid them over some shredded iceberg lettuce, Mexican fresh cheese and sour great. 

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