Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Battered Shrimp with Buttered Rice

Isn't it funny that sometimes you plan for something and ends up not happening? Today I had planned to cleaned the house and to get ready so I can look pretty before I started cooking for my husband. We planned to have lunch together. Well I didn't get the message that he was on his way and I was in the middle of mopping! He didn't have much time so I quickly gathered the ingredients and made lunch in less than 15 minutes. So this dish will be ready as soon as the rice is done cooking. Hope you enjoy this recipe which is easy to make and you can either make two ways just by changing what sauce you serve with it.

  • 1 Bag of Frozen Cooked Shrimp Peeled
  • 1 Cup of White Rice 
  • 2 Cups of Water
  • 1 Cup All Purpose Flour
  • 1/4 Cup Corn Starch
  • 1 Egg
  • 3/4 Cup Water
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste
  • Oil
  • 3 Tbsp of Butter
  1. In a sauce pan add white rice and 2 cups of water and put it to boil. This is the step that takes the longest so start here. Add a little salt to the water.
  2. Open frozen shrimp bag and in another pan add enough water to cover them.  Put them on the stove just long enough for them to unfreeze, but not so they are warm. Turn off heat and start removing the tail and place them on a container.
  3. To to the batter you need flour, corn starch, egg, 3/4 cup of water, salt and pepper. Whisk ingredients well, you want the batter to be thick not runny.
  4. Add oil to pan, I used a sauce pan so I can have use less oil, bur you want about 1/2 inch deep. Once oil starts shimmering, test with a little drop of batter. If it stays whole and bounces right to the top sizzling is ready for the shrimp.
  5. At this point the water in the rice should be half way gone. Add butter to the top and continue cooking.
  6. Dip shrimp in batter and drop carefully in oil. Since the shrimp are cook you are just looking for a golden color in the batter. Once it turns like the picture above take out of oil and put over some paper towels to remove excess oil. Continue until you are done with all the shrimp. 
  7. Once rice is done you can serve the rice and shrimp either with lemon or sweet and sour sauce. If you are going for sweet and sour sauce don't add butter to rice so you can have a more authentic Chinese dish. 
Hope you find this recipe easy to make. I like to keep a bag of frozen shrimp in the freezer because they come very handy when I don't have much time to cook or I lack imagination. 

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