Friday, August 19, 2011

Sopa de Fideos

My husband woke up not feeling so good. Before he went to work he asked me to make him something to help his stomach. I made him a Sopa de Fideos or vermicelli soup to help him feel better. One of the reasons I love making this soup is because is easy to make, has a few ingredients, and a brings back great childhood memories. So when you are feeling sick or you want something to warm you up, I highly recommend you try this recipe. I'm sure you will love it.

1 lb Stew Meat
4 tbsp Oil
3 medium white Potatoes
2-3 Carrots
1 large Zuchini
1 bag Vermicelli  or Fideo that come precut in small pieces
1 Garlic clove
4 qt of Water or 16 cups of water
1- 8 oz Tomato Sauce can
Chicken Flavor Boullion to taste
Salt to taste

Prep all the vegetables before you start cooking. Cut all vegetables into 1/2 inch cubes. Also have water ready to add to pot. Cut the stew meat into 1/2 inch pieces and put in in a pan with the oil and garlic to cook. Add salt to meat as it cooks. Once all the juices are gone and the meat begins to brown set aside. Remove garlic clove. In the same pot that you will use for the soup, add 2 tbsp of oil and add the vermicelli. Keep an eye on the vermicelly and keep stirring so it browns evenly. You want the pasta to be a nice golden color. Now you are ready to put it all in the pot. Add meat, tomato sauce, and water to vermicelli. Once it starts to boil add the vegetables, cilantro and bouillion. I think I add about 6 tbsp to mine but you should start with less and keep tasting the soup to make sure you have it to your liking. Once all the vegetables are cook remove from heat and is ready to eat this should take about 15-20 minutes.

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