Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tacos de ChoriPavo

The holidays are great for making traditional dishes like turkey and stuffing, but after a few days you want something different. Well I hope you find this recipe helpful on what to do with your left over turkey. Enjoy!


  • 1 lbs Beef Chorizo
  • 1 1/2 lbs Shredded Turkey
  • Flour Tortillas
  • Shredded Cabbage
  • 8oz Water
  • Chopped Onion
  • Lemon, Salt to Taste
  1. Cook chorizo. 
  2. When is almost done add shredded turkey.
  3. Let it cook for a couple of minutes then add water
  4. Lower temperature so it simmers for about 8 minutes
  5. Warm flour tortillas
  6. Start with tortilla then add choriturkey or choripavo like my mom calls it to the tortilla
  7. Then top it off with cabbage, onion and lemon.

Tacos Al Vapor, Steamed Tacos

Do you have a guilty pleasure that you enjoy while eating out? Since we don't really eat out there a few recipes I make when my husband is not home. Today since I been so productive I decided to make myself tacos al vapor or steamed tacos. The ingredients are kind of like making tacos dorados and since we made some the other day and we have meat and potatoes left over voila! Steam Tacos.

  • 2 Boiled Potatos
  • 1/2 lbs Ground beef
  • 12-14 Corn Tortillas
  • 1 8oz Tomato Sauce
  • 1 8oz El Pato Sauce
  • 8oz Water
  • Shredded Cabbage
  • Salt to Taste
  • Sweet Paprika 
  • Oil 
  1. If you are like me and have left over ingredients then jump to step #4 if not start at step #2.
  2. Boil potatoes until they are done.
  3. Brown ground beef and remove excess fat
  4. Remove skin of potatoes and mash them on a bowl.
  5. Add meat to potatoes and season it.
  6. Lightly brown tortillas in oil. They should be still flexible to form a taco
  7. In a steamer add tomato sauce, el pato sauce and water. 
  8. Add about 1/3 cup of sauce on potato and meat mixture.
  9. Time to assemble. Make tacos with tortilla and meat and potato mixture. You can sprinkle some paprika on both sides of the taco and start placing on steamer until you are done.
  10. Turn on the stove on medium low and let them steam. You know when they are done when the taco feels soft to the touch but is still firm. 
  11. Serve tacos with shredded cabbage and tomato sauce that was in the steamer.