Saturday, August 20, 2011

Build Your Own Nachos Night

Today we finish eating the Sopa de Fideos for lunch and when dinner time came we didn't want something too heavy. My husband said he wanted nachos, so we made our famous build your own nachos bar. Well is not so much a bar when I'm the one serving them, but I think you get the idea. We do like making a build your own nachos bar when we play poker with friends. Which now that I mention we haven't had in a while. This recipe is also great for when you have left over meat, or in a tight budget.

1-2 Bags of Tortilla Chips
2 cups of Refried Beans
1/2 lb of Ground Beef
Nacho Cheese
Sour Cream
Canned Jalapenos

Brown meat and season it to taste with salt. If you have refried beans at home awesome, if you don't you can use the can ones. Heat up the nacho cheese. I usually buy the big tin can nacho cheese because I like to store the rest in sandwich plastic bags and freeze them for whenever we want some. Once meat, beans, and cheese are warmed is time to assemble the nachos. Start with some chips on the bottom then add some cheese on top then add some more chips then layer the cheese, beans, ground beef. You can put a dollop of sour cream and guacamole. You can spice it up with some jalapenos. If you want you can add tomato or onions.

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